How Does The Insurance Company Examine Your Car Accident Claim

Surviving a car accident itself is quite a stressful experience. Therefore, getting a claim for a car accident is also an unpleasant experience. Injury lawyer in Aurora knows that once you file a claim for your car accident, the insurance will investigate the accident claim and its legitimacy. The insurance company will carry out the investigation process, which could last between weeks and months.

Why Does The Insurance Company Investigate The Car Accident Claim?

The car insurance company has two reasons to investigate to assess the accident claims. The first reason is to check whether the accident claim is fraudulent. They will protect themselves against car insurance fraud through the investigation.

To avoid fraudulent claims, they will ask the insurers and third-party claimants to provide evidence of the accident. The company will also send adjustors and investigators hired by them to investigate the car accident evidence. They will thoroughly examine the claims and the damages.

The Injury lawyer in Aurora knows that the second reason for investigating the car accident claim is to assess the claim. The insurance will try to clarify any confusion regarding the nature of the car accident and the extent of the damages resulting from it. They will gather as much information as possible on this issue to have all the proof.

The Investigation Process

The investigation process duration will depend on the extent of the car damages. If the car damage and injuries are not serious, the investigation will conclude after a few days. However, the investigation process can last several days if anyone is seriously injured and the car has also suffered substantial damages.

The person can ask for an estimate of the damages from the local repair shop. However, if the claim has clauses for injury claims, the process can take several days, as the investigation will extend. The more losses one claims, the more thorough the probe will get.

The Details of the Investigation Process

If the insurer suspects a fraudulent car insurance claim, they will gather evidence to prove their stance. Through the investigation, they will see if you have any financial trouble. They will secure cellphone records to see if there is any fraudulent motive behind the claims.

Cooperate With the Investigation

You have to cooperate with the insurance company when they are investigating you. Otherwise, they will suspect you of fraud. Injury lawyer in Aurora must present all the required legal documents to support and prove your claim.

The insurance company cannot force one to provide proof of the claims unless the lawsuit has moved to the courts. However, it does not mean one should delay presenting their documents. If you fail to cooperate, your claim will not be accepted. You can also lose your insurance. Not cooperating can also lead to a lowball offer. Consult an Injury lawyer in Aurora if you get into a car accident. Visit Here: BE Personal Injury Lawyer
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