Understand Video Surveillance By Insurance Company With Personal Injury Lawyer In Scarborough

As the personal injury lawyer in Scarborough tells their clients, video cameras today are everywhere. There is a camera at the red light at the intersections and other security cameras installed in the parking lots, office buildings, and stores. Phone cameras are active everywhere as well so capturing a car crash is not difficult anywhere it happens. The insurers want to make the best use of technology to deny your claims. Their aim in using the footage is to disprove the liability so that they do not pay anything or just give you a pittance when possible.

The personal injury lawyer in Scarborough often finds that the insurer uses the camera footage of the claimant at public places or at home. They want to show that the person is exaggerating the injuries suffered. The lawyers know the best way to respond to such allegations and help you to win the just claims. The insurance companies use the surveillance footage to challenge the claim of the victim and contest liability. They aim to minimize the losses in the form of claim payments. Another way to use the footage is to prove contributory negligence.

In some cases, you can only make successful claims when you did not contribute to the accident. Even with 1% responsibility regarding the crash, it may be impossible for you to get anything according to the personal injury lawyer in Scarborough. The video evidence used by the insurer may prove some degree of fault of the claimant. The company can use the footage based on the mode and location of the capture. Using a recording of the incident from traffic cameras may give admissible evidence but the one captured by a detective sitting outside the home the claimant does not.

For videotaping a person in the yard, prior permission is necessary as the personal injury lawyer in Scarborough explains. The lawyers may prevent the use of surveillance footage by proving that the company obtained it illegally or it is a fabrication. They may also prove that the company did not tell the claimant about their intention to use the footage. The video may be irrelevant to the case as well so fails to be of use. The insurance company does all types of investigations about the life and activities of the claimant to falsify the claim.

The personal injury lawyer in Scarborough wants their clients to know that the company will use photos and in-person meetings to conduct surveillance. They go through your social media profile too in hopes of finding a loophole in your claims. They make video recording of any statement given to them by the claimant. The aim of in-person meetings is to manipulate you to say something that is contrary to your claims. For more information visit here: BE Personal Injury Lawyer

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